Friday, October 26, 2007

All that is Boise, good and bad

Where I live, where many want to live, and where too many who live here are abusing. What is up with the trash, the graffiti, the attitude. I love the way things are growing up in Boise, but I'm also missing some of the little-big town or big-little town.

What can we do? Take a moment and remind someone what is right. When I first moved to Boise from Florida (not California...Florida in 1991) one of the first persons I ran into in a downtown coffee shop firmly reminded me that the city's name is Boi-see, not Boy-zee; and do I remember that to this day.

I think we should all help our fellow residents know how things work around here. We have issues that can be resolved with simple nudges from each of us. I carry a bicycle code around with me, since I am an avid rider and I know a few of the rules by heart. Some of the bicycle riders do not have the same knowledge and know real well how to tick motorist off - usually by not following the same rules of the road they want to ride on.

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